About us
Hogar Monte Carmelo is an educational-social project of the Discalced Carmelites Order in Central America that aims to educate vulnerable young women in the municipality of Lepaterique, in Honduras.
This home provides a student's residence for young women from the most remote villages of the municipality. These young girls live in villages more than 3 hours walking from the nearest school. That is why the work provided by the Hogar is essential for these young women.
In addition to the residence service, the young women have a comprehensive educational process that includes: spiritual support, workshops and psychological support, medical care, dental service, workshops on cooking, guitar and English.
We believe that all women can accept
themselves, decide their future and change the world.
Our mission
Give an integral formation, humanistic, spiritual and intellectual, according to the identity and charism of the Discalced Carmel Order.
Our vision
To be a recognized center for its humanistic, spiritual and academic formation, where young women are given access to a world in constant evolution with a set of personal skills that allows them to add value, while also being an agent of change, hope and improvement. in their own home villages.
Our values
To receive an integral education enriched by the Carmelite spirituality, that gives meaning to their own lives.
Human and spiritual accompaniment, personalized attention to the young girls and their families.
Respect for the human person and his dignity,
Closeness and engagement of the families of our young women.
Participation in the catholic community life as a place where faith is lived and matured.
Fraternity, co-responsibility, charity and creativity.